Saturday, 3 October 2009

Introduction to Nasal Hair Function

Nasal hair is a major problem in some people because it can cause irritation. Nasal hair grows at a rate that is similar to the rest of your bodily hair. In the same way that we need a haircut now and then, nasal hair deserves a similar treatment. They need to be cropped regularly so that it won’t cause any problems in terms of cosmetic appearance or physical irritation.

Just like the fact that some people grow hair quickly and some slowly, the speed which you grow hair from your nostrils is determined by many factors, such as your genes, gender and your hormones. Nasal hair grows at an average rate of 0.35mm per day, which equates to about 1cm per month. A lot of people try to cut this overgrowth in front of the mirror with some scissors, but this can be an extremely unsafe action considering there are better alternatives.

In general, this tends to be more of a problem of men and some ethnic groups. This can be a problem even for bald men even though you may not expect them to have this problem. Nasal hair is a natural phenomenon and in evolutionary terms helps us to develop our senses of smell and taste.

Our tongue is the main organ that helps us to sense taste such as salty or sour. However, it is a little known fact that aromas have a large impact on how we interpret taste. Nasal hair helps to trap moving air to help with this aspect. The other function of nasal hair is to heat up cold air before it is breathed into the lungs; as well as removing excess heat as air is breathed out thus conserving energy.

In summary, nasal hair is troublesome to some people and requires cutting just like normal hair. The growth rate of nasal hair is variable and depends on many factors such as gender and racial group. It is an important component of the normal anatomy because it gives rise to smell and taste, as well as serving the purpose of a heat exchanger. It helps to conserve body energy by warming external air and removing heat before air is expired. Nasal hair needs to be cut regularly, just like normal hair needs cutting. Rather than using scissors to cut nasal hair, which can be an unsafe activity, most people use electric trimmers to deal with this common problem.

Buy Nasal Hair Trimmers:

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