Saturday, 10 October 2009

How to Choose the Best Electric Nasal Hair Trimmer

Despite the fact that nasal hair is vital to our sensory ability, it can be extremely unsightly and in severe cases can cause relationship problems. Simply pulling them out by hand can be very painful and add unnecessary irritation to the inner lining of the nose. Some people think that trimming nasal hairs with electric trimmers increases the rate of growth but this cannot be farther from the truth. Hair always grow at a constant rate no matter how often or how much it is trimmed. However, you don't want these unsightly hairs to grow all the way down to your upper mouth, so what is the best solution and how do you know it is a problem?

The most obvious way of knowing nasal hair is a problem is that other people might notice. However, do you expect that other colleagues or friends at work may point this out to you? Perhaps even your closest people may feel ashamed of bringing this to your attention. Therefore, go and stand in front of a mirror. Look at your nose from straight on or elevate your head slightly. If you can see nasal hair then you should consider getting a proper electric trimmer.

So what are nasal hair trimmers and how do they work? These electrical instruments have rotating blades and work just like an electric shaver. However, they are designed especially to fit the tiny spaces in the nostrils and trim the hair without causing damage to the sensitive layer of the inner nose. These ingenious devices are completely painless and can regularly remove your nasal hair such that it is not a problem anymore. If used correctly, it should cause no more pain than a shave or a hair cut.

People think that plucking hair is as safe as trimming but this cannot be farther from the truth. Not only is it painful, physically pulling out hairs from their roots can cause damage and inflammation to the lining and it damages the normal function of nasal hairs. The best way is just to trim the hair such that it is out of the line of sight.

How do you choose a nasal hair trimmer that would suit your needs? Most modern trimmers such as the Groom Mate or Norelco are efficient in this purpose. Just like other electric appliances, they often come with lifetime guarantees or a 1-year guarantee if they are battery operated.

Buy nasal hair trimmers:


Unknown said...

You have a nice blog. Nose hair clipper is in fact a personality grooming tool utilized to
trim down excess hairs in the ears and nostrils. You can get cheap nose hair clippers here

Chris - nose hair clipper

DesBox said...

You have given a wonderful tips to choose hair trimmer, thanks for sharing this information i had a great read. Keep posting...

For more professional outcome, fluctuate the spacer length whenever you trim the hair at various locations.

Best Hair Trimmers

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