Sunday, 25 October 2009

Buy nasal hair trimmers:

Tuesday, 13 October 2009

Finger Shaped Nasal Hair Trimmer -Up Yours!

This new toy in town has finally arrived! The finger shaped nose hair trimmer is yet another version of nasal hair trimmers! Despite its appearance, it is actually a nose hair trimmer that works properly, just like any other modern electric trimmer.

Think you know somebody with excess nasal hair or picking their nose a bit too often? Then this might just be the gift of choice to add to their private collection. Simply turn this on and use it to trim away excess nasal hair. If you are stuck

If you know anyone that suffers from hairy nostril issues, or is always sticking their fingers up their nose and rooting around, then this just might be the ideal addition to their bathroom cabinet. If somebody catches you picking your nose then you have the perfect excuse - you were simply using this gadget to trim your nasal hair!

Buy this special trimmer:

Saturday, 10 October 2009

The Ultimate Guide to Buying the Perfect Nasal Hair Trimmer

Unsightly nasal hair and ear hairs are a natural phenomenon of the aging process. There is not much you can do about this just like you cannot reverse aging, but you can improve your appearance by using an electric nasal hair trimmer. Nasal hair trimmers can be used to trim the hair rather than pluck it out. It may seem a humiliating thing but there are many people like you who use these devices. Besides, there have been horror stories of people using scissors and end up damaging their noses or giving themselves nose bleeds. It is simply not worth the risk -be safe and get a proper nasal hair trimmer!

To protect your nostril, nasal hair trimmers have rotating blades and small combs at the front to prevent the blades accidentally cutting into your inner nostril. These combs also serve to position the hairs such that they can be trimmed neatly by the blades. Cleaning the trimmer is usually quite an easy task, as most can be washed after use. In addition, advanced trimmers have a probe that allows the trimmer to separate out nasal hairs. Just like when getting a haircut, the comb and blade work in unison to allow a precise trimming. Normal shavers for beards or mustaches are not designed for the tiny nostril areas and are not effective for this purpose. Although a lot of trimmers market themselves for ear hair, it is difficult to do this in front of a mirror. It is usually easier for somebody else to trim this for you.

The leading brands of electric trimmers include Norelco, Oster, Sharper Image and Panasonic and average cost can be up to $30 to $40. You may find sites that sell manual trimmers but in my opinion they are not worth the effort as they can be quite dangerous just like normal scissors.

Here is a summary of the various trimmers that we have managed to come across (for individual reviews click here):
The Panasonic brand provides the basic functions and is generally best in terms of cost. For those looking for more luxurious products, the Sharper Image is almost double the cost of the Panasonic but it provides more functions, depending on what you are looking for. It is composed of an interchangeable head that gives you multiple options for mustaches, beards, ear as well as nose hair. Both brands are electric and cleans easily after use. Even though the Sharper Image brand claims it can spin a lot faster, users don't think that it cuts nose hairs faster than cheaper brands. The Motokata nose hair trimmer is another new brand that claims to suck hair out of the nose rather than pushing them further upstream.

Buy nasal hair trimmers:

How to Choose the Best Electric Nasal Hair Trimmer

Despite the fact that nasal hair is vital to our sensory ability, it can be extremely unsightly and in severe cases can cause relationship problems. Simply pulling them out by hand can be very painful and add unnecessary irritation to the inner lining of the nose. Some people think that trimming nasal hairs with electric trimmers increases the rate of growth but this cannot be farther from the truth. Hair always grow at a constant rate no matter how often or how much it is trimmed. However, you don't want these unsightly hairs to grow all the way down to your upper mouth, so what is the best solution and how do you know it is a problem?

The most obvious way of knowing nasal hair is a problem is that other people might notice. However, do you expect that other colleagues or friends at work may point this out to you? Perhaps even your closest people may feel ashamed of bringing this to your attention. Therefore, go and stand in front of a mirror. Look at your nose from straight on or elevate your head slightly. If you can see nasal hair then you should consider getting a proper electric trimmer.

So what are nasal hair trimmers and how do they work? These electrical instruments have rotating blades and work just like an electric shaver. However, they are designed especially to fit the tiny spaces in the nostrils and trim the hair without causing damage to the sensitive layer of the inner nose. These ingenious devices are completely painless and can regularly remove your nasal hair such that it is not a problem anymore. If used correctly, it should cause no more pain than a shave or a hair cut.

People think that plucking hair is as safe as trimming but this cannot be farther from the truth. Not only is it painful, physically pulling out hairs from their roots can cause damage and inflammation to the lining and it damages the normal function of nasal hairs. The best way is just to trim the hair such that it is out of the line of sight.

How do you choose a nasal hair trimmer that would suit your needs? Most modern trimmers such as the Groom Mate or Norelco are efficient in this purpose. Just like other electric appliances, they often come with lifetime guarantees or a 1-year guarantee if they are battery operated.

Buy nasal hair trimmers:

Saturday, 3 October 2009

Introduction to Nasal Hair Function

Nasal hair is a major problem in some people because it can cause irritation. Nasal hair grows at a rate that is similar to the rest of your bodily hair. In the same way that we need a haircut now and then, nasal hair deserves a similar treatment. They need to be cropped regularly so that it won’t cause any problems in terms of cosmetic appearance or physical irritation.

Just like the fact that some people grow hair quickly and some slowly, the speed which you grow hair from your nostrils is determined by many factors, such as your genes, gender and your hormones. Nasal hair grows at an average rate of 0.35mm per day, which equates to about 1cm per month. A lot of people try to cut this overgrowth in front of the mirror with some scissors, but this can be an extremely unsafe action considering there are better alternatives.

In general, this tends to be more of a problem of men and some ethnic groups. This can be a problem even for bald men even though you may not expect them to have this problem. Nasal hair is a natural phenomenon and in evolutionary terms helps us to develop our senses of smell and taste.

Our tongue is the main organ that helps us to sense taste such as salty or sour. However, it is a little known fact that aromas have a large impact on how we interpret taste. Nasal hair helps to trap moving air to help with this aspect. The other function of nasal hair is to heat up cold air before it is breathed into the lungs; as well as removing excess heat as air is breathed out thus conserving energy.

In summary, nasal hair is troublesome to some people and requires cutting just like normal hair. The growth rate of nasal hair is variable and depends on many factors such as gender and racial group. It is an important component of the normal anatomy because it gives rise to smell and taste, as well as serving the purpose of a heat exchanger. It helps to conserve body energy by warming external air and removing heat before air is expired. Nasal hair needs to be cut regularly, just like normal hair needs cutting. Rather than using scissors to cut nasal hair, which can be an unsafe activity, most people use electric trimmers to deal with this common problem.

Buy Nasal Hair Trimmers: